this week has had many ups and some downs. but either way I still love doing what I am doing and I am learning a ton everyday.
I want to challenge you if you haven't already seen this video, watch the "because of him" video on the LDS website. it literally changed my life and my thought process as being a missionary. do yourself a favor and watch it again if you have already seen it. Because of Him
guys, we are the ones on the earth right now and we are the people building the kingdom of god. it is a never ending cycle and we are so incredibly blessed to be a part of it. never let any chances go without sharing this wonderful message with someone or bearing even a small testimony. that is my challenge for you. as it is going to be a new year and new year resolutions will be made, try to focus on how you can help build the kingdom. you reap what you sew. I will be doing the same. I am working on loving everyone as christ does. charity never faileth and it's something i must improve on and I think everyone can always improve. the gospel is about improving. it's so great. I love you all. christmas was wonderful, elder Russel M. Nelson spoke to us and we had other devotionals throughout the day.
missionary work is really for everyone. we were saved for this day. so go get em! :)
love you all. my time is up.
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