Monday, September 28, 2015

Ga jij vandaag het verschill maken?

First of all, sorry I'm emailing so late....we went to the Anne Frank house early this morning and then after were in Amsterdam for a while, and a member took us 4 missionaries out to eat to Hard Rock Cafe, and he actually paid for all of our meals at this really expensive restaurant last week that we went to for 2 missionary's birthdays...(don't worry, we really hardly ever eat out!!!) also Wes, he lived in the Coconut Creek ward a few years ago...he was bishop there. but I think he moved out before you guys moved there. His name is Alan Evans. Super cool, friendly guy.

Last week we went to the Van Gogh museum...that was sick

Also I went on exchanges last week and it was a day full of wonders. we met some super cool people...I mentioned one of the stories in one of the emails with pictures in them

my companion is getting transfered to Den Haag and I am getting 2 sisters! we are going to be a threesome! this will be fun :) I am leading in Amsterdam so wish me luck haha. 

this just in...we just found out our bikes got stolen and....this email is ending haha. we had some other miracles but right now I can't think straight. 

welp. not to cause a dramatic ending...but I have to go. love you all!
this just in...again. the elders found our bikes (they took them without us knowing and called and told us they were gone because they couldn't find them...) lol just pooped my pants.


ok well...yeah pretty much sister doxey and I just went through a roller coaster of emotions. here is my ode to Holmes (my bike)

I cry when I'm on you
I laugh when I'm on you
I sing when I'm on you
I wear my helmet when I'm on you
I talk to people about the gospel when I'm on you
you are my everything
I can't wait to see you again

ok bye

(please know my ode to holmes wasn't actual real) (well sort of it was)


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